The cosmetic advertising is implemented on the public device i.e. television, radio, internet, book, newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, pano, poster, air body, water body, or the other advertising means which are implemented or supported or authorized by the cosmetic enterprise organization as well as the seminar, the information, the product introduction activities.

Organizations are allowed to advertise or organize the seminar and the cosmetic product introduction event when having the permission according to the regulations.The cosmetic advertising content must be appropriate which affirm the safety and the efficiency of the cosmetic and be obedient to the ASEAN’s instruction of declaring quality of the cosmetic product.

The registration dossiers of cosmetic advertising, seminar organization, and cosmetic introduction event are inclusive of the following documents:

The registration applying of cosmetic advertising, seminar organization, and cosmetic introduction event;

The copy of the issued cosmetic product proclamation report (sealed by organization or individual who registers to advertise);

The copy of the business registration certificate of organization or individual who registers to advertise (sealed by organization or individual who registers to advertise);

The authorization letter of organization or individual who proclaims cosmetic for organization or individual who registers for advertisement, cosmetic introduction event, seminar operation (in case, organization or the individual who registers for advertisement, cosmetic introduction event, seminar operation is not organization or individual who proclaims cosmetic);

The subtitles materials of the product’s properties and utilities in case the advertised content and the presented content at the seminar or the cosmetic introduction event show the cosmetic’s properties and utilities which are outside the presented content in the cosmetic product proclamation report;

02 advertisement scenarios (scenario must clearly describe the picture, callouts and music which are going to be put into the advertisement) or 02 advertising models which are going to be published (applied to the cosmetic advertisement registration file) or documents intend to show, publish in the seminar, cosmetic introduction event (applied to the cosmetic introduction event, seminar operation registration file). The file must get the joint pages stamp of organization or the individual who registers for advertisement, cosmetic introduction event, and seminar operation.

The authority of receiving and handling registration file of cosmetic advertising is the Health Department of place where the main office of organizations, individual proclaiming cosmetic products is located; except advertising forms which are under the licensing competence of provincial/municipal Culture and Information Services.

After receiving the file receipt of cosmetic advertising registering, if the organization wish to advertise on other advertising devices under local authorities of places different from the place where advertisement registration file is sent, must send an announcement in writing with the notarized copy of the regular cosmetic registration file receipt and all registered equivalent advertising content to the local Health department where the advertising is going to be put into process